
Monday, April 26, 2010 6:34 PM Posted by Natalia =)

Honestly I began the academic year a bit discouraged by the fact that my boyfriend had retired from the University, prompting that not find so funny go to University and my performance down a bit. The second term of last year I had more interesting subjects compared to the first year of studies for example physiology and behavior that I liked and I learned many new things, yet very boring classes like economics and I believe I did not learn much for that matter .... (= S).
In my spare time (not much), I make sport specially trained "table tennis" and also left a little time to get together with my boyfriend, see my friends and go to some “carretes” (party) for fun and dispel stress the study.
Overall I had many challenges this term, I had no trouble in passing my classes and I tried to improve my game (table tennis)and have enough time to see my boyfriend, but I still had some moments when I could not distribute all my time and do all the things that I should and in this moments the night was my classmate, but a bit worried that my parents, but even so they are very proud to study at the best university of Chile.

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