Session 7

By far my favorite animal is the cat, I love their independence and their demeanor, I find it very elegant and yet fun, wild, intelligent, capable hunters and with a great adaptability to change. In other aspects sometimes are timid and distrustful of strangers but if they are well socialized in their first months of life are very loving and great company at any time. My cat is a very special animal in my life as it is the first that I have and although it is something unhealthy in my house love him and pampered all day and it is also physically very special because of its unusual color, my cat is blue and this is a recessive color, more specifically a dilution of black.

In the future when I doing to exercising the profession I love to work with these beautiful animals as they are magnificent patients pathological point of view have an endless number of diseases and that makes it more exciting challenge for me and help each patient achieve effectively would very rewarding. It is also a challenge to direct contact with these animals because they have a very suspicious nature and get stressed very easily and get to examine trying to provoke as little stress as possible is a great challenge and even more if it is to be placed on treatment. For all these reasons I would like to work with these animals and the clinical point of view I like specialize in them but without neglecting the care of other animals like dogs are also wonderful.

Session 5

My point of view on the penalty of death this so complicated subject, as it is it also the subject of the abortion mentioned in kinds, is that it did not have to be abolished entirely in all the countries and leave the penalty of perpetual chain like maximum penalty, because when deleting this punishment gives me the feeling that all these “People” ,that have committed capital crimes such as rapists and murder, feel “more calm” since although they trap them did not pay his crime with the same coin, and this is even worse when after some years of conviction go out to the society and go back to commit the same crimes. For this type of people that it cannot be rehabilitated I think that the penalty of death would serve and would delete to all these criminals that fill the prisons.

In those countries that even this instituted this penalty as it is it United States this accepted for those cases of murder especially brutal and the support to the penalty of death to world-wide level is of a 52%, Figure no minor if we thought that the penalty of death this abolished in a lot of countries and and that these countries implemented it like a political decision and that the opinion publishes to respect this is in favor of this penalty.

Sesion 4

Personally I love Europe and would be happy visiting its most emblematic cities like Paris, Barcelona, etc. But before of travel and see the world first I have to know every travel of my country, and that this long territory has a wide variety of beautiful landscapes and after travel of Chile I travel to Italy and I find it a very interesting city full of culture and traditions, cutting edge fashion and also because I love their pasta. When traveling to Italy the first city to visit would be Rome for its art and architecture and then go to Milan to a fashion capital and never is more than look good.
Mainly tourist would, just to know, would not travel to settle or work there because I can not imagine and would not want to work so far from my family, loved ones and my country. Just stay longer if a field trip to perfect a technique in which they are more advanced, but I'd rather go study tour to other countries such as USA which is a good country to take a graduate degree in animal production or higher, but only go to America to study and find a country that very dirty and noisy and would like to be in Santiago.